As visual thinker, it’s no wonder that I became an artist. Growing up in France and travelled widely in South America exploring my fascination with art, dance, and nature. My work cuts across multiple disciplines (artistic, graphic design, travel and dance). I have international clients in Paris, London and Rio de Janeiro and I speak several languages and am currently and the Fashion & Design ambassador for College de Paris International.

I studied in Duperré and Olivier de Serres public design schools in Paris where I immersed myself in multidisciplinary and international experiences and projects. In 2020 I obtained the first year of the Masters M1 Applied art (‘Métiers de l’Enseignement, de l’Éducation et de la Formation’) at the university of INSPÉ of Aix-Marseille in France which has given me more formal education in teaching applied arts to young people.

At the core of my work is a key theme that creativity is a force for change, whether working with clients to develop a visual identity, teaching students how to draw or creating personal artwork. I bring the infectious energy of a dancer to my clients and their projects which catalyses change and growth.

Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing at all.

Helen Keller


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